if(document.editor.temp.value.indexOf(nl+nl,0)>=0) {convertToJSWe();} else ''+ document.write(pagecode); nxt1 = nxt.split("") document.convert.clean.value = r14.join(""); cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) How to convert WORD to HTML file? P.M." : " A.M."'+nl+ if(document.editor.sel.value=="csharp"){which_CSharp()} else It makes use of LibreOffice (the free office suite which can also be run on a server) to convert Microsoft Word to PDF. function do_PERL() { No problem. Convert HTML to DOC on Windows. Next, we use the ExportAsFixedFormat method of the Document object to convert the document to PDF. func = document.editor.func.value } secondLastC = bulkval.split('Response.Write ("\\n");') } else if(border=='outset' || border==""){ ' var hours = now.getHours();'+nl+ Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 760,423 times. '+nl+' "' } Plus, this requires Word to be installed, isn't it? How to Convert to WORD? '