Full video on YouTube: Arme, 01-07 July 2023 The firefly produces some of the most efficient light in the world, Adult fleas can jump up to 7 inches in the air. If necessary, they can also feed on mushrooms. Mature males mark the territory of herd with urine, and another male deer recognizes the smell and doesnt violate the border. This bear is majorly threatened by habitat degradation and persecution for attacking livestock and beehives. First domesticated by the Ancient Egyptians! Animal Shelter adopt a pet; dogs, cats, puppies, kittens! Armenia declared sovereignty on August 23, 1990, and independence on September 23, 1991. It has been extinct since 2003. Pelicans visit fish nurseries for feeding. During summer, you will find it just below the permanent snow, at a higher elevation, while it comes down for winter. Small rodents found in woodlands worldwide! Different subtypes of brown bear can be found in almost all Eurasia, especially in central and eastern parts of Europe, throughout Russia, the Caucasus, the Armenian highland and the Arabian Peninsula. Due to their unique qualities and rich cultural or historical backgrounds, national monuments around the world are of great importance. In winter a deer digs up a layer of snow and feeds on fallen autumn leaves. The labour required to clear the surface stones and debris from the soil, however, has made farming in Armenia difficult. Armenia is subject to damaging earthquakes. Lynxes live up to 25 years. In spring, to restore strength after winter starvation, they mostly eat vegetation rich in protein. To emphasize the significance of nature, Armenia has selected a few forces of nature as national symbols. They also have dark streaks all over their body. It was first described in 1840, by Edward Blyth. A male red deer shows his age in his antlers, which become longer and more branched every year. Quiz, Match the Country with Its Hemisphere Quiz, Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Armenia, Armenia - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Armenia - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). According to experts, a leopard can leave the territory in search of a female and never return. Older offspring help care for new hatchlings. And the income from tourists would cover expenses for food and other things. 4 2 Leda Ianic Knows French Author has 1.2K answers and 4.1M answer views 2 y Bezoar goat was included in the Red Book of former USSR. . Believing Armenians today belong mainly to the Armenian Apostolic (Orthodox) Church or the Armenian Catholic Church, in communion with Rome. Has characteristics of two or more breeds! At its height, Armenia extended from the south-central Black Sea coast to the Caspian Sea and from the Mediterranean Sea to Lake Urmia in present-day Iran. Lets look at the total number of species of Chordata (mammals, birds, fishes, and reptiles). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry. It combines the best qualities of other animals. It consists of an eagle and a lion holding onto a shield, with the shield itself being divided into five sections. In general there are 7-9 leopards living in the Areviq national park, in specially protected areas Gnishik and Dzhoghadzor, in Shikahogh Reserve. The body is fragmented, but there is no clear separation into the head, chest and abdomen. The northwestern part of the Armenian Highlandcontaining Mount Aragats (Alaghez), the highest peak (13,418 feet, or 4,090 metres) in the countryis a combination of lofty mountain ranges, deep river valleys, and lava plateaus dotted with extinct volcanoes. Red deer has always been a native of Dilijan Reserve (now a national park). The body is dark red. They are also known as red ovenbird and mainly occurs in South America. Reintroduction and conservation initiatives helped it a lot, and it is now widespread. The tender was released on Feb 28, 2023. There are nearly 3,000 different species! They can find their way back to their nests from up to 1300 miles away. The territory is protected by electric fences so that predators cant get inside. Some of them are: These animals are either eaten by their respective predators or face threat from human activities like industrialization and urbanization which has eventually led them to be endangered. Some of the wildlife animals in Armenia include the Syrian brown bear, Bezoar goat, Caucasian leopard, Caucasian lynx, Golden Eagle, and the steppe eagle. The mouflon is suffering a great population decline due to poaching and habitat loss, and the Sevan trout, which once made up thirty percent of the fish in Lake Sevan, have virtually disappeared. For the first time females usually give birth to one offspring, then to twins. Here's the Armenia animals list. They feed mainly on carrion, but some species also hunt small vertebrates. Want to see what animals live in other countries? The height of their back can reach 150 cm, and the weight of mature males can reach 600 kg. Armenian national fruit is an apricot. They use their sharp claws to catch rabbits, ground squirrels, marmots, and similarly small mammals. Want to know more about wildlife in Armenia? It happens when the horns of two deer are so entangled, that they cant get rid of them and both die of hunger. The park, which was only established in 2002, is famous for its medicinal mineral water springs, as well as its natural monuments. For example, the Bald Eagle is the national animal of the United States of America. There are about 3,000 documented species! The national animal of Armenia is the mighty Golden Eagle. The pomegranate is another symbol of this nation and shows the richness of the Armenian food. Report this User. Anyone that wants to see these animals in their natural habitat should be cautious as they immerse themselves in the forests and mountain areas. Bear is the biggest animal that can be found in wild in Armenia. On top of that, Armenia also has a mythical national animal: the dragon! Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). They feed on the meat of the carrion, when others are satisfied with internal organs and bones. Thanks to this they are not poisoned by rotten meat. Mature birds have dark-brown plumage, vulture chicks are more black, with blue featherless neck. The content of the article may be cited or used on other websites only with an active link to the source. Usually these competitions end without any serious consequences. Males have large horns, females are mostly without horns. The portion of Armenia lying within the former Russian Empire declared independence on May 28, 1918, but in 1920 it was invaded by forces from Turkey and Soviet Russia. Extinct ancestor of all domesticated cattle! Armenia is a country inEurope. They are known for their specific features, supernatural abilities, and distinctive appearance. The Armenian mouflon is a mouflon subspecies endemic to Armenia, Iran, and Nakhchivan, an exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The wild goat, also known as the common ibex, lives in forests and rocky areas, in a large area from Turkey to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Plumage is bright white, but more often grey. Sexual dimorphism is highly expressed. We currently track 216 animals in Armenia and are adding more every day! The national flower is the Marshmallow plant, whereas Apricot Prunus is the countrys national fruit. . The national mausoleum of Armenia is the Mausoleum of Turkmen Emirs. Cinereous vulture, unlike the other three, nests on trees, in particular on juniper trees. In the lower elevations the steppes are covered with drought-resistant grasses, while the mountain slopes are overgrown with thorny bushes and juniper. Due to the heavy agricultural activities in the area, many locals will set up a farm in areas where their livestock can graze at the bottom of these mountains. Much of the reason that Armenia chose the Golden Eagle as their national animal is for the symbolism it offers, standing for the courage, nobility, patience, wisdom, and power of all animals. Officials say that the wolf population has continued to grow, but there are no protections for it. The digestive system of vultures is one of the strongest in the world. Discover 12 wild animals in Armenia in this post, as well as interesting facts about them. A few months later the first fawn is born, a male. While hunting, they can sneak up unnoticed and ambush the victim for hours, waiting for a convenient time to attack. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. There are no lowlands: half the territory lies at elevations of 3,300 to 6,600 feet; only about one-tenth lies below the 3,300-foot mark. Yes, there are definitely bears in Armenia. They are found across Europe, Asia and Africa! It also helps to keep our environment beautiful and clean. This animal may become available for adoption if no owner can be located. The American robin is called the robin because its red breast reminded European settlers of the robin back in the old country. We hope that the final goal of this program will come true. It is particularly useful to find its food in the mud: insects, mollusks, and crustaceans are all on this birds diet. Each adult Angora goat produces about 12 inches of mohair annually while kids have about 8 inches. However, there have been very rare incidents of them doing that. The emoji flag of the country is , and the ISO code is ARM. While linnets are monogamous during mating season, they do not mate for life. This is a very popular tourist attraction in Europe and America. It is native to the Middle East, and can also be found in the Caucasus mountain range. Females lay between 8 and 12 eggs per clutch! But the habitats themselves decrease, mainly due to uncontrolled overgrazing and expansion of arable land. They build their nests off the ground in tree holes, cavities, stone walls, and roofs. Mausoleums are one of the most significant historical landmarks. It was adopted as a symbol of national significance by the Continental Congress on June 20th 1782. During the winter, the steppe eagle might be seen in human-modified areas due to a lack of food. The red deer is one of the largest species of deer on the planet, the fourth-largest actually. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The length of their beak reaches 47 cm. Natively found in the European mountains! Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of Armenia can be found in the table of contents, , Mek Azg, Mek Mshakouyt - "One Nation, One Culture", The National animal of Armenia is Golden eagle. The area occupied by deer mainly depends on the abundance of food. Required fields are marked *. Lynxes usually give birth to two or three kittens. House spiders have the ability to eat most insects in a home. Found in mountainous regions and rocky areas. Endangered species living in Armenia are the Caucasian bear, Caucasian bearded goat, the Armenian mouflon (sheep) and the leopard. In addition to being the national animal of America, the American Bison is the official symbol of some other states that include Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Kansas. They have a large body, large wings, short and thick legs, a short rounded tail, long neck. Lets dive in right away with our first category! Neighbours of Argentina Chile Bolivia Paraguay Brazil Uruguay Questions & Answers Who is the national founder of Argentina? Pakistan has six distinct animals and is the only country with a national predator; the Snow leopard. Armenias fauna is consists of over 12,000 animals, though a great majority (11,000) are insects. The Golden Eagle is incredibly fast and it can use this speed to effectively hunt its prey. According to IUCN Red List, Armenian mouflons are endangered species EN D. Until the mid 20th century populations in Iran and Nakhichevan were interconnected due to migration. The national coat of arms of Armenia ( Armenian: , Hayastani zinanshan) was adopted on April 19, 1992, by resolution of the Armenian Supreme Council. On the mountain slopes, at elevations from 4,600 to 6,600 feet, yearly rainfall approaches 32 inches (800 millimetres), while the sheltered inland hollows and plains receive only 8 to 16 inches of rainfall a year. There are more than 240,000 different species! Armenia is bounded by Georgia and Azerbaijan to the north and east. They have a symbiotic relationship with ants. The official national animal of Armenia is the Golden Eagle. Armenia is known for worlds oldest churches, cuisine, culture, and monasteries located in extremely beautiful natural settings. Bezoar goat is a subspecies of a wild goat. Nowadays, there are not many of them anymore sadly, as they are listed as endangered, are very elusive, and are threatened by poaching, fire, deforestation, and infrastructure development. Below we will present the fauna of Armenia, brief description, conservation and steps that can be taken in this direction. Armenia is a mountainous country characterized by a great variety of scenery and geologic instability. They are listed in the Red Books of the former USSR. Occupying nearly one-tenth of Armenia, the northeastern forests are largely beech. Like other leopards, the Caucasian leopard lives in dense forests, where its fur is helping it hide perfectly. The forest zone lies in the southeast of Armenia, at elevations of 6,200 to 6,600 feet, where the humidity is considerable, and also in the northeast, at elevations of 7,200 to 7,900 feet. In 2019 one more fawn is born. The Golden Eagle is incredibly fast and it can use this speed to effectively hunt its prey. So there you have them, these were my 12 wild animals in Armenia. The total population in Armenia is thought to number 10-20 individuals, including adults, sub-adults and cubs.[1]. There are more than 700 different species! It also was listed in the Red Book of the Armenian SSR. The main reason for this is the lack of food, the lack of ungulate herbivores. The national flower is the Marshmallow plant, whereas Apricot Prunus is the country's national fruit. Teachers in schools often use the evolution of the peppered moth as a good example of Darwins theory of natural selection. Fortunately, its venom is not lethal to adult humans, but its bite is particularly painful and will cause swelling. This enables these eagles to see clearly and in color. These former bear-hunting dogs are used today as prison guard dogs in Russia. Steppes predominate in Armenia. 120. There are around 7,000 different species! The Armenians have therefore maintained an ancient and rich liturgical and Christian literary tradition. Rarely can be found in Atlas Mountains. There are two different types of white ferrets! It is strong like oak and fearless like the bald eagle. Found inhabiting dense woodland and caves! The Government of the Republic of Armenia declared 2019 the year of leopard. Your email address will not be published. Legs are short, poorly developed. It takes its name from its habitat: the vast and flat steppe, its unique home. There are about 12 thousand animals in Armenia, 11 thousand of which are insects and invertebrates, 75 species of mammals, 43 species of reptiles, 308 species of birds. The ethnic groups in Armenia include Armenians, Yazidis & Russians. An interesting part of the country that I wanted to tackle is its wildlife. Therefore, in the colder months, it's best that eat 90% a day. According to IUCN Red List Vordan Karmir is rated as Critically Endangered CR B1b(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii). Thought to be one of the oldest mammals on Earth! WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. 3.1) in the category Vulnerable A2cd. Armenian mouflon is an endemic species of the wild sheep. According to the Armenian Ministry of Nature Protection, the wolf is currently a major threat to many endangered species in the country. They can be found in Europe, in North, Central, and partially in Western Asia, in North America. At a young age they look like cats, but from the age of three weeks they begin to hunt mosquitoes, dragonflies and small birds. Despite this, it is listed as critically endangered within Armenia, due to the development of saline lands, climate change, and uncontrolled livestock grazing. The Caucasian mountain dog may look intimidating, but they are actually gentle, affectionate, and loyal family companions. Of the total precipitation, some two-thirds is evaporated, and one-third percolates into the rocks, notably the volcanic rocks, which are porous and fissured. All of these species have a big role in protecting the ecology of Armenia and the world. Then they leave and begin to lead a wandering life. Stone Garden Productions, Washington, DC. The national colors of the country are red, blue, and orange. Some huntsman spiders have an interesting way of moving around. It fronts the northwestern extremity of Asia. Despite the fact that in Armenia there are a number of environmental problems, we can say that recently in our country there has been a positive trend in improving the condition of the fauna in Armenia. The Caucasian leopard returns, the number of bezoar goats has been increased. Carnivorous arachnid that hunts its prey. The centuries-long rule of Ottoman and Persian conquerors imperiled the very existence of the Armenian people. Although their number is currently stable and not decreasing 8-9 pairs, it is still very low. Author of books on Transcaucasia. These characteristics embody Armenians, representing their powerful qualities as well. The cinereous vulture can be found throughout most temperate Eurasia, including Armenia. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. 1. It is one of the living ancestors of the domestic goat. Therefore the probability of meeting a leopard in the wild is close to zero even if there will be a lot of them. Armenia is an important area for migratory animals, about 350 different bird species were recorded in the country. Although there has been no special monitoring of the number of bears, it is believed that their number is stable. Considering the wildlife that is naturally found in Armenia, it shouldnt be surprising that there are a few animals to steer clear of. The COUNTRY of Georgia, located in the Caucausus region near Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey, is a sovereign nation. In winter deer also feed on roots, shoots, moss and lichen, thorns and seeds of conifers, such as juniper and yew. The Sevan trout is an endemic fish of Lake Sevan in Armenia.