or is it too strange to think that way. The only thing Ive seen is the flashes at the White House & I was awake at 3 in the morning to see all the busses at the Capital, all the military in and out of the Capital & White House that one night in January of 2021. And dont forget, so also those Money Changers in the Temple that YAHUSHA whipped and drew out they are the bankers of today. The Regavim Movement filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality on Tuesday, demanding law enforcement against an illegal subterranean tunnel dug by the Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion, in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City. Italy. Thanks for sticking up for Charlie! Who knows! As Q says and I believe this is what God is doing. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. Anyway, with all of this, only time will tell. All we can do is have faith that God made sure the most important parts have remained intact. I know He makes no mistakes so it was all part of His perfect plan, but so hard for us to comprehend. Humans have stripped gold from the dead for nearly 2000 years to fill the tunnel. How is he making a nice buck? This supports the truth of the Bible and prophecy. I truly believe from all sources that the White Hats are in complete control and what we are seeing now is more like a movie designed to wake up sleeping people. The Vatican sponsored archaeological excavations (also known by their Italian name scavi) under Saint Peter's in the years 1940-1949 which revealed parts of a necropolis dating to Imperial times. The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. Im sorry Jackie, I dont go along with these Annunaki/alien or monkey theories. Meanwhile its interesting that substances such as Ivermectin and others ARE classified as vaccine. 179. Well she said so. I went in as a civilian national intel officer in Jun 2003. Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it. Look closely and youll see. It is hard when we are being told this and that while its all being carried out so secretly that we dont get to see the evidence of it happening. The underground base and city at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles is exposed by whistleblower Steven D. Kelley. There is SO much happening all the time. Please note that when they went to Buckingham Palace, they found similar huge amounts of gold etc., stored up for the wealthy, having been robbed from the poor. Those who wish to be on his Insiders Club pay 11 euro per month and he has publicly stated that if there is any money over, he will give it to his son. There is more than enough gold in the world to back all the worlds currencies on a one to one basis, and sufficient to take care of all needs worldwide. I do believe in the Jubilee though. I am not against gatherings of people who love the Lord, or in the many ways they do it just against the infiltration of evil and people acting like they are Christians when secretly they are not instead, they are worshippers of Satan. Military with other countries have been saving the caged, tortured children in tunnels and Dumbs. Besides youve never heard anything like it and it sounds fantastic? Anyone teaching on Rev. 4 Min Read Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 "malnourished, caged and tortured" children from tunnels beneath New York City's Central Park. Hi Marilyn, Another theory is that the Annunaki aliens created humans to mine gold. Marilyn, thank you for your hard work. Well, Im a retired special forces guy with 20 years Navy, Retired. How did God put up with it? Thank you for wanting to. We need the QFS to be finally announced and running for the people, but that will not happen until every last swamp creature has been destroyed. It wouldnt be on the direct Vatican to Jerusalem route, but there are so many scattered here and there. . 14Yes, the fine fruit that you desired has left you, and all the delicacies and the splendid things have vanished from you, never to be found again. Yes, he has a doctorate and is well able to use Dr before his name. The John Birch Society and Schiller Institute exposes these plots. This article is utterly ludicrous! Allan Watts on Youtube explains on explains the nature of the Control he also explains how the Vatican (a city state) edited the Bible in 4th and 12th century to control the minds of the people to looking outside themselves for answers to problems in their lives. Underneath the Vatican City lies the Vatican Necropolis, at depths ranging between 5-12 meters. Ciao . Go to Apocyraphal 1970 think it is called. I am living in Bulgaria in a town named Plovdiv, and it looks like it is on the route of that tunnel. Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: But you do have to be prepared to ask the HS to lead you into all truth and He will even if its different to what you may have been taught. Sure there is enough gold to back all the currencies, just raise the price of gold. Quantum Financial System. I want to see the video thats supposed to be on this page but there is NO link to a video anywhere except the next and prior ones. Im not here to kill the fun, but our job is to present the facts as best as we can. Thank you Jean for your great words! Then right click and paste. Nesara/Gesara is real, this is the year of Jubilee! Whether it happens on these dates or not, I also believe there will be a stock market crash at sometime. Mask wearers that dumb them down to be unable to think critically. . Last time I commented here I should have wrote to Marilyn Williams that I hope this story is true because I started to believe in Donald Trump when Kim Clement said of him, Trump is a Trumpet. We need to be able to see what is really taking place and not allow the enemy to confuse our minds. . I think some of these people are just gathering info from others and putting their spin on it, and trying to claim it. I heard Im Just Charlie say he got his degree on line. 650 aeroplanes were required to carry away all the gold that was brought out of the tunnel which led to Jerusalem. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Anything that makes it easier is worth it. I think it was around December someone posted a video of the Vatican blacked out for several hours one night we had no idea what happened until I heard later gene decode mention them finding and taking a vast amt of gold, ancient artifacts, missing books of the Bible, and meticulous records of everything taken. Thier ending! This is exactly what I believe its all about the scriptures coming to pass right before our very eyes! Thats OK Jeanne were all in this together, helping each other to know and understand the truth. Turns out they were people from the other side who were doing their darndest to bring him down because of the information he shares. He said: Outside this church, on the left, there is the top of what could have been a cistern. The masses were still asleep and there would have been far more mayhem had he denied it. Thanks slot Maam,am so thrilled and blessed to know all these informations as a friend of mine link me to you. Housecleaning? Do your own research and learn how you and your family have been screwed! Thank you again! If you would like to know about the Jesuits, Catholicism and why they hate the KJ Bible. There are Med beds being set up for release after Nesara is activated. and will remain this way. I want you to think this through the jab is NOT vaccine! May Gods TRUTH prevail, may justice be rendered, and may our world soon be aright as He determines! Marilyn, I agree with 99% of what you, the Alliance, Trump, White Hats, FLYNN, Juan O Savin, Dr. Charlie Ward, Mel K, Judy Byington, Lin Wood, Ann Vandersteel etc., BUT, I personally have not seen one thing that they all say is happening happen. in 2003, it may be headed there again. It was all taken to Fort Knox for safe keeping. When the tunnel was located, the gold was given to the Annunakis who are now light-years away. I also give a lot of people information. To this point in time Ive been fine. You should pray andlook within yourself cause all answers lie there and this yndersyanding helps you in a sense graduate to the next.. its almost here. It looks like we are walking along the same path. The Creator only speaks to you through your soul, higher self, or I call your sixth sense from with in. There will be no such thing as inflation/deflation, and no need for it. Yes, I received the first anthrax vax before departure, then the second one right before getting on the plane. A level playing field. All that Templars & Jesuits have been about has been to create world government in opposition to Jesus Christ real justice of HIS Kingdom. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption good people seek to empower others, evil people seek to get power over others. In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. Soros ha ha his money is still making the Democrats rich and he still gets people elected. But do try to rise above the misgivings and into faith for a beautiful future. And who likes likes, and who doesnt like, oh, well. And we are seeing the results of our long hours of digging, researching, the piecing together of all those strands of twine to create the most efficient net that a fisher of men created to help their fellow man sustain life in truth of our Creator. Basilica of San Clemente. . Some believe the order may have once carried the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two items central to Bible scripture, yet never found. Its an exciting ride as the Cabal are being exposed and truth is coming forth. Yes, all so true! Hi Debbie, Part time truck driver and church pastor Timothy Dixon has said that the Almighty directed an angel to tell Dixon that a Jubilee is coming to the earth soon, directed by the Almighty. You cannot tell the people,you must show the people.We would not believe all the evil that is actually below us. Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. That was the first vax Hoax for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J. Hi J I just saw your comment come in and wanted to address it immediately. What you and u are doing is a calling/ministry. I cant do more than that. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. In Italy many earthquakes of slight intensity All 10 km deep Also in the Adriatic Sea between Italy and Croatia There is also talk of a tunnel that connects Italy with America . Sorry Anna, I might not have made it clear enough. During the Trevi Fountain Underground Tour you will f ollow the Virgin aqueduct path, from the hill to the valley, and taste how pure and fresh its water is, drinking from the "nasoni" (nose-like . Under Trevi Fountain two huge underground places were found. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. watch all 35 episodes of the Fall of the Cabal on Rubble and Bitchute, or on their website. Thank you. Then the poor. Then you go to where you want to post it. Thank you for sharing your understanding of Revelations with us. I also have a question about whether or not chem trails will be stopped now, and the poisoning of our crops and GMO altering of our food. Hi Jim, Its coming! They have found ways to steal from us all. In World War II, the tunnels were transformed once again as they were used as bomb shelters. Af1, Af2 and fighters, blackhawks etc. At the height of their power between the 12th and 13th century, the Templars were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusade period. 24000 children in some of the DUMBS is a little hard to believe, but yet I think it is all true, just not seen. You may remember that when the Covid-19 pandemic first hit, one of the worst places was in Italy. Id love to know HOW they found covid in the air as they have not been able to isolate it interesting. I have been reading your replies to comments made in this thread. Please give me direct link. Thats not what we should look forward to. Well, you confirmed everything I said as soon as I learned of this earthquake last year. Best regards, Mr. T. Hi Mr T I agree we are looking fair and square into Bible Revelations as we speak! Says a lot to me in general as hes proven himself with what he was doing all good. Its a worry! However, the tunnel is now blocked off. This tunnel was built by the Knights Templar when the city was under the rule of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and served as a strategic passageway connecting the Templar palace to the port. President Donald Trump rally live in Perry GA - 9/25/21. People do grow up and mature. Last I knew they found Covid in the air. Its amazing! Can you provide a link? Hi Roger, Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. And Ive heard theres even a possibility that the enemy has altered parts of what we have now as scripture ugh conceivable depending on the character of the men who had access to the original manuscripts. But as you say, the Jubilee is coming and I believe is almost upon us. I actually remember when this incident happened, I believe. What timeline do you want to be on? The Spirit of God says, There is a dig, an archeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. We are in the middle of a potentially terrifying clash between good and evil but we know the end of the story God wins! 650 planes full of gold and the large tunnel with it, with couple of shots of that would encourage people to believe more). Well said Marylin. No, not one of them. We are supposed to be good Bereans and test everything against the scripture. As for the Holy Grail, there is a connection, but its like the connection between James Bond Spectre and MI6 it exists in fantasy. This info aligns with what Mark Taylor (prophet) has written in one of his prophecies. Thanks so much for contacting me Debbie! Hi Jackie, a day will come when it will all be revealed. All the things you and I hate about what theyve done to our food will be stopped. Yes, we all need to be vigilant and keep our eyes firmly on God above and the White Hats its all coming together. Gold in tunnels under the Vatican, now taken to the U.S. (2) Sequestered Illuminati and Cartel Wealth (3) Gold from the Chinese elders, buried in underground Taiwanese vaults (4) Gold brought from off-planet (5) The St. Germaine World Trust (6) Historic bonds (7) Income-tax refunds (8) Its because the White Hats need the previous narrative to continue running while the rest of the plot works out.