When Abraham's servant brought Rebekah from her family near northern Syria, the scripture says Isaac loved her, but the first twenty years of marriage they were childless. What your take on this short story? But they are not of the covenant seed at all. Would you be interested in whom the Jews say that they are descended from? And what do the occultists say about this? And why would the Masons build a National Memorial for the first president under the Constitution if he were not a Mason? The seafarers soon discover that Bensalem is made up of two main parts: Christianity and Judaism were two of the main religions on this Island. But the point is, where are we now? 2) The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, 3) Let us break their bonds in pieces And cast away their cords from us.. The writer of this letter is beginning to see what is wrong with this holiday. Revelation 17:3 reads So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon ascarlet-colored [red] beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. As prophecy said would happen, the Red Beast would look like it was dead. The children Esau and Jacob seemed alike, yet Rebekah already perceived Jacob's greatness. Admission after 5 p.m. on Christmas Town nights is $5. Pastor Mark last week mentioned that there were two very different sides that to major events that were happening this year. Bacon quickly realized that here in the new world was the proper environment of the accomplishment of his great dream, the establishment of the philosophic empire. But something happened that caused Isaac to become grieved over Esau. Francis Bacons New Atlantis is coming into being actually as he had planned. Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph.What would distinguish Ephraim from Manasseh? Thank you for joining us today. The apostle Paul comments on this in Romans 9:10-13: And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), it was said to her, "The older shall serve the younger." Yea, and he shall be blessed.And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceedingly bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father. Esau cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry when he discovered that his twin brother had already received his fathers blessing. But he had lost it forever. The LORD answered Isaac's prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins. It had been twenty years since Isaac and Rebekah had been married. 210 The answer from the Lord verified the significance of the activity within Rebekah's womb: And the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples shall be separated from . Romans 9:10-13 And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father, Isaac. Romans 4:16 Therefore, it is of faith, that it might be grace, to the end the premise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. All the seed and father or us all = Both houses of IsraelHouse of Judah and House of Israel. As it is written, "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.". They both believed that the legendary land of Bensalem would rise again as the United States. In fact, this is the only way they can survivekill off the entire pure stock of Adam. Edom and Israel are the two ancient nations who struggled together in Rebekah's womb. In the beginning the two nations in the womb of Rebekah were: God rejected Esaus tears and would not change the blessing made by Isaac. Pastor Mark Downey explains that the word gentile was never used in the original writings of the scripture. Like 0 Dislike 0 Reply Quote Follow Ask Your Own Question And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those who hate themGenesis 24:60. Lets play a little game. Jacob became the covenant seed of Israel. During her pregnancy Rebekah was perplexed by the intense struggle 209 that took place within her womb, so she inquired of God to determine the reason. They shall rule by force; by murder. Both nations would have to be in existence for one to serve the other! The primary meaning of the word Gentile is todaynon-jew. The Messianic jews say: Gentiles means anyone who is not a jew. Many Christians believe that God would make of Abraham a great nationthey would say the Jewish nation--but many have never heard that Abraham was to be the father of many nations.Who, then, are these people? Subscribe to receive announcements from FGCP, Premium Drupal Theme by Adaptivethemes.com, Little Known Facts About the Antebellum South, Little Known Facts about the Reconstruction South, Little Known Facts about the South During the War of 1861. The Bible has many stories of couples who can't conceive, and Rebekah is one-half of such a union. So, Esau would serve Jacob. And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. Occult philosophy teaches that even now, under our very eyes, the new Race and Races are preparing to be formed, and that it is in America that the transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced, Madam Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine. It is possible that Jacob earned the right of being the firstborn because he and Esau struggled in their mothers womb. At first, Isaac's wife Rebekah is barren, but after Isaac prays for her, she conceives twins. This is difficult to carry out if the younger sister is better looking and physically more attractive than the older. The Bible states very plainly that eldest came out all red and they called his name Esau Genesis 25:25. And the revealing of the Arch of Bel in London. The $5, $10 and $20 bills will all be redesigned over the next four years but will be put into production at various times over the next decade. Answer Rebekah in the Bible was the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau. So, Scofield identifies the great nation of Abraham as being 1. In this passage, we can see Issac and Rebekah's faith. Esau wants the blessing that his father gave to Jacob. But this is not consistent throughout the rest of the Bible nor does it have anything to do with the covenant theology of the Holy Scriptures. :40cm. But have the jews ever been thousands of millions of people? Esau hated Jacob very much for this deceptiveness and as a result planned his murder. 24 And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. So, Isaac, the husband, went to his covenant God and asked Him to help his wife get pregnant. It was revealed on the beginning of the 13 Days of the Blood Sacrifice to Bel. Is he not also of the Gentiles? The second child was called Jacob which is the Hebrew word for "heel," 'aqeb, which means "to take by the heel," figuratively, "to deceive" which foretold his character and destiny. And she went to enquire of the LORD. 6, page 378, says: In the days of John Hycranus (end of the second century B.C.) Genesis 25:21Isaac pleaded with the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children. Genesis 27:40 says And by thy sword shalt thou [Esau] live, and shalt serve thy brother [Jacob]; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. Esau became the nation of Edom. Only which is of the law = descendants of the House of Judah. The REDS have become a Red Beast; but you will not find any repenting among them. So she asked the Lord, and the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples will be separated from within you. The Scarlet colored (red) seven headed, ten horned beast: the house of Esau (Jews) who despised the covenant; Who are destroyed by the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it Obadiah 17b. Fredericksburg Lodge claims many notable men among its members: Most of the mayors of Fredricksburg have been members, many Revolutionary and Civil War leaders, Grand Masters as well, but probably they are most proud of the fact that General George Washington was one of the early members.Freemasons are proud to claim The Father of His Country as one of their own. And the Lord said to her: "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the younger." Gen. The two sons were going to be very different from each other in their looks, strength, personalities, and interests. Rebekah, one of the four Matriarchs, is characterized by the Rabbis as a prophet and a righteous woman. Esaus descendants became known as REDS. He is the founder of the scientific method and was the author of several innovative books, one being The New Atlantis (1626). However, despite their being denied national greatness, Esau's descendants are not without hope of salvation, though they must swallow their pride and admit that "salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22), through the Messiah, who descends from Judah, son of Jacob (see Matthew 1:2, 16; Luke 3:23, 33-34; Hebrews 7:14). The museum has an extensive Christmas program, including Christmas Town, a combination of live nativity and dramas. "The LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb." In other words, she would give birth to twins and each one would become the head of a nation. Any encyclopedia will teach you that this holiday has been full of pagan worship for millenniums. WEB Yahweh said to her, "Two nations are in your womb. From Rebekah we can learn the important of loving our children for themselves. The twins would each father nations. Now, he is displaying his hatred for Jacob and his seed: GODS chosen covenant people. New bills will also have tactile features to make them easier for blind citizens to distinguish. The process of changing our history is happening right before our eyes. 21) And Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was entreated by him, and Rebekah, his wife, conceived. Rebekah ( Rebecca or Rivkah "Captivating") was the wife of the patriarch Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau in the Bible. Romans 3:29, 30 Is he the God of theJews only? Others claim that that the United States was not founded on Christianity. And Elizabeth, in the sixth month of her pregnancy, said, "The baby in my womb leaped for joy"surely a human action (Luke 1:44). It was prophesied to Rebekah, that these two beings struggling in her womb, Jacob and Esau, would become Two Nations. DOWNLOAD PDF. But we learn in the Old Testament that they eventually became one nation and then split into two major kingdoms. And that there is a sin of anti-Semitism; nowhere mentioned in the Bible, which, when if one studies what the Bible says, has very little to do with the Jewish people; except that they are the ones who mostly commit this sin! Religion in the 16th and 17th century was under attack and reexamination. Does God allow support of Luciferianism? The parents of Jacob sent him back to Mesopotamia to search for a wife. The beautiful Rachel was given to him but he also had to take her older sister Leah (who apparently was not so or as beautiful). Genesis 25:19-21 And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son: Abraham begat Isaac. And I will make of thee [Abram] a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing Genesis 12:2. God is gathering people from all around the world and is forming them into assemblies of Jesus followershis church. Who were the two nations that were in the womb of Rebekah? Together with Bacon, they devised a colonization scheme Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America. Esau then sold his birthright and later lost his fatherly blessing. Rebekah was the beautiful and intelligent daughter of Bethuel, the great-niece of Abraham, and the sister of Laban. Explore this article 1 The Story of Jacob and Esau Twins, but not identical, they were actually opposites. the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people.. All the early apostles were from the tribe of Benjamin of the House of Judah and only one person was a JewJudas Iscariot: the betrayer of our Savior. And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father, Isaac. Benjamin Franklin was an occultist of the highest order. But their plan became more complicated when a group of separatists, led by William Bradford, came to America. In these two little babies were the seeds of two great peoples who would become populous and powerful nations that would compete with each other for many generations to come. 23 The Lord said to her, [The founders of] two nations are in your womb, and the separation of two peoples has begun in your body; the one people shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger. Thomas Jefferson studied Francis Bacon and tried to follow what he wrote about the new country being the New Atlantis. If you study Islam, do it only as a means of comparison. Name the people who are the seed of Rebekah who were to become billions of people; keeping in your mind that there would be some people who hated them? One of the most ancient of mans constructive ideals is the dream of a universal democracy and a cooperation of all nations in a commonwealth of States. No women were picked. All these men were bound together by a common oath to labor in the cause of a world democracy. Both the Apostles Paul and Peter quote from the prophet Hosea saying that who is time past were not a people but are now the people of God; who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy 1 Peter 2:10 and Romans 9:25. Instead, he should go to his uncles house and take a wife from there. Secret knowledge is the source of true power. Francis Bacon claimed that he received this secret knowledge from his conversations with demons. Gods reply was: The first born was named Esau while the younger son was Jacob. To Abraham, GOD said that He would make of him a great nation Genesis 12:2. Who was the great nation? Rebekah. God told her, "Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger." This was a straightforward answer from God, and it influenced the course of her life. Required fields are marked *. Esau survived and then he wanted the covenant back. How did Rebekah and Isaac have children? It sounds very similar to what our Savior said to the same group of bankers in His day: You (money changers) have made it (His house of prayer) a den of thieves (Matthew 21:13b). Genesis 27:19 And Jacob said unto this father, I am Esau, thy first-born, I have done according as thou badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me. Jacob deceives his blind father into believing that he is Esau, his first-born; and thus receives his blessing. ~Continuing the History of Israel Narrative Series~ And she went to inquire of the LORD. Our money, our holidays, our institutions and even ourselves are images of examples of what the Bible talked about what would happen in the end of this age. If the jews are Judah then they are a small part of the covenant people; 1/13 or 3/13 of the covenant seed of Israel? Jacob Now Had Four Wives and Twelve Children, The Turning of Things Upside Down Introduction, A Careful Review of Abrams journey from Egypt to Land of Canaan, The Fifth Vial Poured Out continued from Revelation 16, The Fifth Vial Pour Out | Matthew 24 and 6th Seal, The Sixth Seal Connected to Matthew 24 Series, Argentina Won the World Cup Now What? If the verses teach against what you are teaching, then just ignore them! 23 And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. No, He absolutely, positively, does not. The image would depict the statue of Jackson riding horseback in Lafayette Square across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House. George Washington was initiated into Freemasonry in the Fredericksburg Lodge on November 4, 1752. Isaac and Rebekah's sons were Esau and Jacob. The same thing happened in 1776! the united states of America. In addition he (Scofield) adds that It has invariably fared ill with the people who have persecuted the Jewwell with those who have protected him. Subscribe to receive announcements from FGCP, Premium Drupal Theme by Adaptivethemes.com, Scriptural Events After the 1st Resurrection, The Immigration Policy & Biblical Prophecy, Rabbi Israel Brodie: The Jews of today do not represent the whole of the twelve tribes. The Book of Revelation describes that fulfillment, and we are living it. ( ESV) What the Bible says about 1. But it didnt come to pass. The Promised Land was so full of these giants that the Israelite spies said that was the main reason that they were afraid to attack the land. Jacobs descendants became known as Israelites. . It must be remembered that Bacon did not play a lone hand; he was the head of a secret society including in its membership the most brilliant intellectuals of his day. What nation did the descendants of these two twin boys become? Just who are the gentiles referred to by both Paul and Peter in these two verses and by many other writers in the New Testament;by all the writers in the Bible? . They also wrote: Jesus is the fulfillment of Israels story and a new start of the entire human race. He tried; but never succeeded. What is missing is any mention in all the articles and videos that I have seen regarding what Jackson said about the bank and bankers. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. The plan was working out, the New Atlantis was coming into being, in accordance with the program laid down by Francis Bacon a hundred and fifty years earlier. Because the Bible was written in the Hebrew and Greek language for the most part; long before English became a language. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a red pottage of lentils. Talking of paganism, the number of pagan practitioners in the United States is reportedly doubling every thirty months. This decision by Esau gives us a very vivid lesson. And Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? On this Island they received treatment for their sick and satisfaction of their needs from the Islanders generous hospitality. Cabalists and others were coming to America to rebuild New Atlantis while the Pilgrims were coming to be a city set on a hill. Jacob and Esau were fighting once again. There has been this war that has been going on for over 6000 years. Gm - Two Nations, One Womb 25: 19-26. It was because of his fathers blessing that he had the desire to murder his twin brother, Jacob. The descendants of Cain, the descendants of Canaan, the descendants of Esau verses the covenant people of God. What the Bible says about What nation did Jacob become; what nation did Esau become? Ephraim would be a multitude of nations; Manasseh a great nation. Remember: Isaac loved Esau. Landing in Philadelphia, the colonists established their first settlement and later moved further west in Pennsylvania to Ephrata. So, how could there be no racism? Look at what the Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. Rebekah prayed and God said "two nations are in your womb". We will begin by looking at a few scriptures: For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son. The old Atlantis symbolizes the old world orderi.e., the time before the flood. Rebekah is reared as a chaste, pious, faithful, loving, strong, hospitable, God-loving woman - a woman wholly suited and trained to become the matriarch of Israel. Isaac did not know how it would happen, just that it would. It is the House of Israel and House of Judah. The story turns to the next generation of Abraham's family. Two Nations, One Womb 25: 19-26 Then he adds more confusing information: Keturah also bore sons to Abraham who were neither Israelites (Isaacs descendants) [not totally true] nor Arabs (Ishmaels descendants), but another nation Reference on 25:12, p. 37. Which one was the most crushing for Esau? She was carrying in her womb two boys who would become two nations. Genesis 25:33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he swore unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. It is why they control the flow of money, not only in this nation, but in the entire world. Esau hates Jacob. The house of Judah remained under the law of God; while the House of Ephraim had the faith of Abraham. And they had no children. Yes, of the Gentiles also, seeing it is one God, who shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. Jews or circumcision =descendants of the House of Judah; Gentiles or uncircumcision = descendants of the former House of Israel. Then, we had the great nation as being: House of Judah; And the multitude of nations: House of Israel. He remained a member in loyal good standing of Fredericksburg No. Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah. The two parents each had their favorites. Scofield was wrong, but at least he had his racial verses correct? Ishmael (Arabs). All About Edom (Part One). The Meaning of Rebekah's (Rebecca's) Name In Bacons Utopian society it is apparent that there are many religions on this Island whose members live together on an equal level. Romans 9:24, 24 Even us, whom he hath called; not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? Modern Jewry is considered as being descended from the tribe of Judah and to a lesser extent, the tribe of Benjamin., Rabbi Louis Finkelstein: Judaism became Pharisaism; Pharisaism became Talmudism; Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism; Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your nameshall be Abraham; for I will make you a father of a multitude of nations.And I will make thee exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. These verses tell that Abraham would be the father of a covenantmultitude of nations. Before I begin this message, I would like to talk about one of the interesting things that happened this week. Jacob with all of his heart was very happy to be the Chosen of GOD, and the holder of the Kingdom Mandate, and to have the Redeemerto come through his family tree. One people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger." When the time came for Rebekah to give birth, there were twins in her womb. It had been twenty years since Isaac and Rebekah had been married. Remember when English was first translated into the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church persecuted the writers; even destroying the copies that they had made.