Zybooks was the reason why I changed mi major to a computer related area. The textbook has had some issues. i love how clearly it explains the material as well as asking questions throughout to make sure that I also practice & understand the material. first i think that zybook is one of the best way for learning computer science since it gives you explanations when you did some questions wrong. However, I do believe that some of the feedback messages could have been more descriptive/helpful when writing the practice codes. I really like the interactive nature of zybooks and the questions throughout the notes. Easy and convenient way to learn how to program. I find much more engaging than a tradition textbook. I heavily rely on zybooks for learning to code, and it has not only been a great learning tool, but it is also a resource I find myself very often turning back to when problem solving in programming. However a reminder either through email would have been helpful. I wish more of my classes used zyBooks. zyBooks can include configurable embedded coding environments that allow students to work with real code, on the fly. The information was direct and to the point, but I would like to have seen some examples other than what was in the solution to the homework assignments. Overall I found zybooks to be helpful these past two semesters as the way the lessons were provided, helped give a low risk environment while still being able to teach. The content is great and is easy to use. I liked using it way more than any other interactive online textbook I've used before. I really like the way zybooks is laid out and some of the activities are helpful, but I find the lessons don't prepare me enough for the big challenge questions at the end. _brudy 2 yr. ago Whats the desktop IDE? I usually come up with the solution by looking at the sample code create a similar code. zyBooks ZyBooksreplaces theoretical content and walls of information with a richer, more immediate learning experience through simulation environments, animations, and embedded tools, all proven to better prepare students and save instructors time. I find interactive activities to be very useful, It helps me a bit in understanding new concepts. Though I would love if there would be an easy way to access table of contents at the left side of the screen so I can open it even when I am doing the chapters. It's well designed and the interface is nice. it's hard to go back and study those examples when my answer was erased. Canvas integration is good and interactive activities are also nice. The integrated tools track student effort and compare programs for similarity. I thought it was very engaging for the student. I like they way it's structured but feel like I would have done better if the feedback from the labs had more detail to them. It made my online learning experience very lucid. I am not a computer science major, and I thought this was a really helpful introduction to the material. Very easy to follow, and informative. I really liked zyBooks. It's very easy to understand and do the work. But this, zybooks has completely changed the way I think about programming and how I approach the problems. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. What I dislike about zybooks is we need to pay high prices just to rent the books. I liked that it was conceptual and interactive. zyBooks was defiantly a useful resource for me during this semester. I have mostly worked out the code, except for a persistent whitespace issue. You guys are doing great! We havebeen working since 2012 to offerthe best STEM courseware. Some of the participation questions are tedious but the examples are super helpful.The overall structure of the course is also very well organized. It is easier to use than the previous websites I've used, but the only issue I see is that I can just click until I have the right answer. Practice problems along side book are quite helpful. I like zybooks, I enjoy the interactive aspect of it, and the fact that it helps me understand concepts and it is something I can easily go back to. Help them to write successful unique tests by providing them with a library of testing code that they can work with to make a zyBooks course unique to them. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. Australia. I've learned a whole new chapter of content and it has made my classwork easier to understand and achieve higher grades on my test and projects. Also, the way it's set up, there's no pressure to get them right because you can answer multiple times. very useful especially when we do not have our textbooks. I love zybooks!! This is my first time using online learning materials as required by a course curriculum, or having an online homework regimen. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. for example entering '5' should not be marked wrong because the answer it is looking for is '5.0'. I personally favored zybooks of all the shitty homework softwares I had to use lol. Much more user friendly then my experience with ____ and ____. I really like it and it is helping me to learn. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. I am hoping that zybooks is not used in my upcoming classes. The website has a very modern UI, easy to understand lessons, and has simple, yet clear graphics for the needed assistance. It is a great software for students to utilize while taking college courses. zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. What would be nice to add in each chapter is a motivation why is it useful to learn that particular thing, where and how is it used etc.. We understand; money is tight. I think they are good but for my class they are bad. I have enjoyed using zyBooks. For improvement, I suggest a light penalty for missing too many questions. I liked it a lot, it helped me study the best I could. It explained things in a fun and descriptive way as well. I think zybooks is very helpful in first learning a topic but is not helpful for in-depth learning. I am actually really glad my professor choose to use zybooks because she doesn't do zoom and I don't have to worry about that becasue i get all i need to know from here explained in full. I like the way the material is presented and I have learned a lot from it. Its an amazing tool to use for classes, it helps greatly by making the material very easy to understand. Worked well, I think its much better than any of the previous online coding systems Ive used, Loads of information in an easily digestible format. It really helped me learn more about Python. It works well paired with in classroom teaching etc. I took a programming fundamentals course at the community college I was attending that was on zyBooks. Becoming the bad guy. Nice ui with good activities that help solidify understanding. It has made learning some of the topics considerably easier than just the normal text book lessons. I love how ZyBooks performs the guided training, then the labs. Scroll to the bottom of this page for further discussion of recent survey results. Great learning and practice material. It was a great hands-on tool for me to learn as I go. It prepared me very much for my class and all the interactive participation was fun to do and very helpful. I also really like how Zybooks is set up. I also appreciate how zyBooks are a participation grade and that I can focus on learning rather than on getting a good grade. In coding the labs are overly sensitive to white space, otherwise the textbook is fine. Easy to navigate. I wish it could have audio explaining things sometimes, as I am an auditory learner. Good learning tool, but the multipart videos are tedious. I found zyBooks reasonably good at learning complex concepts. I'm finding it very helpful especially with the illustrations and animations. The system is very glitchy. I think zybooks is a great website and explains the material correctly! I like how zybooks is a hands-on way of learning where I'm applying what I read immediately, which helps to better ingrain the material to my memory. It's fun and simple. I feel they could go a bit faster. But many things in life aren't. With that said, a smartphone is quite small for the learning experience that zyBooks target. I liked that it was conceptual and interactive. I really like the way that zyBooks is set up, it is clear and helpful. I particularly appreciated the zyLabs, but I wish the final chapters had zyLabs as well. zyBooks is great. It was really easy to navigate, very informative, and useful. I can just look at the explanation and understand concept better. Honestly I really like Zybooks. I spent more time chasing down formatting errors in lab and challenge activities than I did actually learning. Before, I had no experience with python but now i feel confident in my knowledge of the material. I enjoy doing the participation activities as I read. I think its a pretty good program. I like it. I benefitted from the many exercises in coding and reading/solving code outcomes. I am not just learning it because I need to for my class, but I am actually WANTING to learn it. Concise and engaging courseware helps students learn and retain more. For me, zyBooks has always made classes exponentially easier. I thought the videos were the best partipant activities because I had to watch those instead of skimming or skipping over the text. zyBooks strike the perfect balance between text volume and engaged learning, with studies showing that students spend more time learning. Like the main class was in the. Zybooks has given me great insight on both classes I have used it for. For example, one of the chapters used memory allocation in an example but the memory allocation topic wasn't until a few chapters later. I love the participation and other activities. Learn more here. I really enjoy Zybooks. Ctrl+Shift+C. Students voluntarily spend twice as much time with zyBooks compared to traditional textbooks, even though the zyBooks have half as much text. When comparing the answer to the chapter, I couldn't figure out how they derived the solution from reading the text. It is only when they have you apply it that everything goes out the window. Will students be unhappy about having to pay? I think its good, but I wish it went into more detail of explaining. There were other areas too, this is just the one I can remember off the top of my head. ZyBooks has helped me in more ways than any instructor could. They help me understand things better. All playback participation activities. Our goal is to continually improve so we can help more students succeed, and more instructors have a better teaching experience too. Material is good as it walk throughs the topics. I Love the activities and ability to really delve into my learning, It was okay, but I don't think it taught me computer science. Zybooks has given me a deeper understanding about Java.